“2020 Let’s Get Social” – the diary of the owner of a small business aged 8 and 1/12.

January – Part 2:

So I had intended to write this “diary entry” last Friday, as another end-of-the-week progress report. (And please understand this is a report primarily for myself. I don’t for one moment think that I am suddenly the business equivalent of Kim Kardashian. I recognise that, for now at least, my social media journey is at the humble beginnings stage where I need to grow my online reputation and build my target audience to where they might at some point be interested in what I report.). The reason I didn’t was because, after fully immersing myself in week 2 of my “2020 Let’s Get Social” project, my brain was a little fried after stretching it with such a lot of new information and new learning, and I just needed a moment to take a breath to review it all.

So, week 2 was amazing! And thanks entirely to someone I mentioned in my last entry, Luan Wise. Because of the work I’d already done I was starting to receive email updates from her, and one of them had included a link to the book she had written a couple of years ago – “Relax! It’s only Social Media.”. So I bought it. And last week, alongside my “actual job”, I put decent chunks of time aside to read and absorb it fully, writing copious notes with highlights and action points, which I will now use to shape my social media plan and guide my social media journey.

One of the most important – and comforting – takeaways from my study last week was that social media in itself is not the answer. No matter how many Likes, Follows and Shares you achieve in the Social Mediaverse, unless you manage to convert those into real, HUMAN-based relationships, they’re actually pretty meaningless.

And so I will end this post with a link to an article that Luan wrote back in 2014, whose content is truly “evergreen” and is as relevant today as it was then – perhaps even more so as we all dive deeper into the online world and thereby risk circumnavigating the real one entirely:


Have a great week, and stay social world 😉

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